The making of courseware. Week 13
Hi everyone, so today in class we need to consult the progress of our smart builder to madam.
So after creating a few slide for our courseware, we had an issue in the middle of the progress. The problem is on how to put the song and the effects on the button that we made. So we consult to madam and ask for her opinion on how to settle this problems. Madam teach us on how to put the songs and how to make the effects on the slide. We also learnt that we can create a hotspot in the slide for the user to click on the photo or button that we made.
We tried to do in our own and its work. Thank you to madam and other classmates that help us in the making of this courseware.
So we finished all the slide in this week but the transition need to keep in view as we need to refer back from the beginning of the slide to make sure that there is no problem during the process playing that thing.
So this is the teaser of our courseware. Stay wait for my next post to see this ultimate masterpiece from my group.
Goodbye and see you guys next week!
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